Write for Fin Crews

Fin Crews is working hard to keep our audience updated with the latest happenings around the world. If you’re a professional and want to share your thoughts or ideas, tips, case-studies etc. then we welcome you.

But there are Guest Posting Guidelines that you need to keep in mind. Have a look:

Author Guidelines:

  • Topics: We cover a variety of topics Business, Investment, Marketing, Funding, Finance, Loans, Startus etc.
  • Words: We are accepting minimum 1000+ words draft
  • Quality: Pitched content should be your original with in-depth research and data to back your words. We thoroughly review each draft with advance tools to track plagiarism.
  • Links: Adding relevant internal links from Fin Crews is must. We also allow external links but they need to be relevant and non promotional. No referral, porn or gambling links will be allowed.
  • SEO Optimized: Your draft should have heading tags (H1, H2, H3, H4) with short paragraphs.
  • Images: Quality images are must but they must be free from copyright.
  • Copyrights: By submitting your draft at Fin Crews, you are agreeing on not to use the draft anywhere else. And we can make changes or update it in future.